Library 4th floor

Me by the entrance to the Bowling alley and the computer lab of the Student Union

Upper GE Class
In the cinematic world audiences are given wacky characters and fantasy driven lifestyles. Comedy film combined with animation always has the laws of physics being broken. It exposures the broken laws to add humor as well as portraying the crazy character’s actions. Newton’s 3rd law states that to every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. Basically it is the interaction of all forces that causes an unidirectional force. Action and reaction act differently on objects. Movies and shows like Dragon Ball Z, A Goofy Movie, and The Simpson’s Movie break Newton’s 3rd law. The animators like to break the law in order to create some effect in the audience like laughter or suspense.
Dragon ball Z is an anime show about Goku, a Sayian who comes to Earth to cause total destruction as a baby but is prevented when he gets to earth. He is raised by a family and taught the martial arts. Sayian is the Japanese version of Superman in my opinion. Some characteristics that Sayians have are super strength, flight, create energy balls, and transform into super beings. Given these characteristics he is able to do and withstand unnatural forces. He is able to break the 3rd law of physics with his powers. When evil forces try to enslave the planet earth, Goku is there to fight. During the fight fist and punches are exchanged. When Goku fires and energy ball, when any projectile is fired there is always a reaction, his body does not move back as the same force as the projectile. This almost unnatural process is to add the super human ability that he has been born with. To follow up with the projectile, as is beams towards his enemy and impacts him, a large explosion occurs as smoke rises and dissipates to create a moment of suspense. The smoke clears Goku’s enemy is still in the same position and untouched. With those kinds of forces there must be some reaction, the energy had to have an impact. The character should have been thrown back from the impact and well as Goku who launched the projectile. The unstoppable enemy shows us that the character is an ultimate villain. This view of unhumanlike abilities makes us wonder if we could someday be indestructible to break the natural laws of physics.
In a Goofy Movie, is about Max's attempts to impress Roxanne by imitating his idol's antics is not looked upon favorably by the school principal. The principal has a word with Goofy, who then decides it's time for a bit of father and son bonding: a fishing trip to Lake Destiny. However, Max isn't thrilled with this idea since he won't be close to Roxanne. The basic plot is the father and son reconciliation as they head out on open road. Max did a performance of his idol in front of the entire school where he impersonated a famous singer with cool special effects on the stage is then caught by the principle. While waiting for the talk with the principle, he knows that his punishment is going to be harsh. While waiting the Roxanne walks up and talks to him. She then asks him to a friend’s party. Max is full of happiness that he starts dancing with the secretary while she is in her office chair. The secretary is a pretty heavy character as she is probably more than twice the weight of Max. Max swings the secretary around in circles then snapping her back and forth with ease. Max is basically mambo dancing with her as if she was light as a feather. He makes is seem so effortless that is breaks the 3rd law. In reality Max would have to use his own weight to force the large secretary to move. The snapping motion would have made max to fall forward to compensate with the weight. The actions would have been slower and not fast like the cartoon. The scene was animated to convey the emotion of joy and happiness in Max to the audience. The scene shows us how goofy the movie is going to be.
In the Simpson’s Movie, Homer has to save his family and the rest of Springfield from EPA who utter wants to destroy them. The town of Springfield is enclosed by a giant glass dome to quarantine them from the rest of the world because of a mutated animal which was caused by Homer’s mistake. Homer’s family manages to escape through a sinkhole and try to live their life in Alaska until they saw a commercial of a future national Park that would replace Springfield. That is when the Simpsons try to save their town. Towards the end of the movie, Homer’s family is captured by EPA and detained in the armored truck. Homer is trying to rescue them by setting up various road signs that says “SOP” instead of “STOP.” As the stupid drivers stop at each sign Homer arrives with a wrecking ball machine and tries to break his family free. Once he swung the ball towards the truck it barely taps the trucks wall then the ball returns and crashes through the cockpit. The ball carries Homer as he is stuck to it. The ball swings in to a giant rock and the side of the house multiple times causing no damage except to Homer. Then the ball finally drops. There are more physic laws that were broken but the 3rd law caught my eye. The law is broken because when the wrecking ball should have smashed the rock into pieces and demolished the house with the amount of force and weight of the ball. Unless the ball was super light. In the Simpson’s case the law was broken to add humor to the scene and to show that Homer had it coming to him. In reality size of that ball would be able to break any object within its path and homer would have been dead. However, since it is a cartoon, Homer who was stuck to ball was like a big cushion absorbing all that force. He prevented the rock and house from being destroyed. The movie stays true to its humor.
In conclusion, these animated movies and show are examples of how the 3rd law can be broken. Since it is broken it adds more realism to the storyline. Another part is that animation and comedy is mixed together always has some natural physic law broken. There is funnier and exaggerated scenes that appeals to the audience.